Player Spotlight: Laura Collins

April Wooga
Published in
3 min readAug 6, 2018


You may have seen Laura Collins’ design in the Island Inspiration group or her comments in the community. She has been playing for 3 years now and says tweaking her island is her favorite past time. We asked her a few questions to get to know her and get the scoop on how she plays Pearl’s Peril.

Laura’s amazing island

What is so special about Pearl’s Peril?

I love Pearl’s Peril for so many different reasons. My favorite part is the wonderful friends I’ve made! Real friends who I would love to visit in the future! The storyline is so much fun, with a strong, and independent female lead character. Along with the fun storyline are the great graphics! Kudos to the PP Art Team! Finding all the different objects is a great stress reducer. I love the opportunity to be creative. I have this miniature island that’s all mine. I can create my perfect paradise. The Pearl’s Peril team keeps coming out with incredible new decorations with fun themes, and I have so much fun switching things around for the seasons and holidays.

Any advice for new players?

The advice I would give new players is to be patient. It took me a whole year to play through the first round. I wasn’t in an AC Club, and I didn’t have friends to send me energy. So, join a club, and get a good group of friends ( be careful and check out timelines for spam, mutual friends, etc… ) Also, when decorating your island, keep in mind you can’t possibly use everything — all the buildings, all the AC prizes, Collection Rewards — all at the same time. There just isn’t enough room for everything out at the same time.

How do you manage your Adventure Club?

I’m in a great club now where there are just 5 players, and we love it like that. We all get within 20 points of each other, and everyone does their fair share. We were in a club before where we did most of the work, so we left, and formed our own club. Ta Da! Problem solved!

What is your favorite character in the game?

Iris Hillman is my favorite character! The intrepid reporter, Pearl’s Bestie, always ready for a new adventure, and plus that very cute outfit and hat!

Thanks for taking the time to answer Laura!

